Abby: Columbia Falls High School Senior

So excited to share a couple images from Abby's senior session! Also excited that we shot a few of these on a vintage Rolleiflex thanks to our friends Reid and Samantha, Orange Photographie ! Abby is such a cutie and I've watched her grow up since she was in 3rd grade with my brother. I cant' believe she's a senior now and I was so honored she asked me to take her senior portraits. I LOVE doing Senior Sessions!!

Click here to see more of Abby's senior portraits and purchase prints!


Matthew: Columbia Falls High School Senior

So, I just need to have a big sister moment. This is my baby brother Matthew and ahhhhh isn't he just the cutest?! I CAN'T believe my little brother old enough to be a senior!!!! I'll never forget the first day he rode the bus, I think he was in 1st grade and I sat with him cause that's what big sisters do. The bus made a weird noise and Matthew looked at me and said "is the bus going to blow up?" Hahaha! Such a boy! I'll also never forget the day he came home from kindergarten with his school pictures, held them up to my mom and said "is dis my smile?!" He had the silliest little grin across his face in the pictures and was definitely NOT his normal smile, but it was pretty stinking cute. He still his. So here we go. Matthew's Senior pictures. I guess I'll have to get used to saying "Matthew's Senior" anything now....sad, and exciting.

Courtney Ferda for H&M

We had such a blast shooting these images of Courtney for H&M. Courtney runs a amazing fashion blog, you can check that out here: 

Floral Headpiece by Cara at Mums Flowers