Honeymoon in Napa, San Francisco, and Dillon beach on Polaroids and iPhone shots

We just got back a few days ago from our honeymoon. Right now Rachel is editing a senior session, and I'm writing this and replying to emails, while Brinkley is being totally unproductive laying between our desks. We took him for a walk earlier to Sweetpeaks, a local ice cream place, which happens to have dog ice cream. We are told it tastes like chicken, but neither of us really wants to find out. Brinkley however loves the stuff. One drawback is that any room he is in for the next few hours better have good ventilation... We went to California to shoot a wedding, and in the week prior traveled around northern California, staying at Bed and Breakfasts, old hotels, and seeing as much of the ocean as we could. We made a fire on the beach, drove one of the best roads I've ever been on on Napa (James Bond cool) and tasted the best coffee I've ever tasted ar Four Barrel Coffee in San Francisco. I shot as much of it as I could on Impossible Project Polaroid film, on my SX-70 folding SLR.

We are doing our best to catch up on work, and getting into the routine of being Married... Oh yeah! I forgot to mention that! We got married :) Which naturally happens before most honeymoons:) Rachel wants me to write something about married bliss... I guess the starring at each other with stupid grins, holding hands until they cramp and PDA qualifies. Its like that first week of dating turned up to eleven...  I'd be lying if I said its been easy to start working again. We are still in happy land of nobody exists but us right now, and get irritated at the slightest interruption into our seemingly perfect world:) but alas, emails must be answered, pictures uploaded, and the job that we love only a little less than each other must continue. We are so excited to be starting this journey with all of you, and can't wait to see what the next year brings.

Tintype Photographs taken at Photobooth in San Francisco on 4x5 Camera

What "___" Looks Like

Time for Blog Project again!! Every month myself at 6 other photographers blog what ever "___" looks like. Well I suck and missed it. Also because we were driving, which is what this whole post is about. This month is What Our Travels Look like. We spend a majority of the time in my car, driving, driving, driving. This last month we've put over 3,000 miles on my poor car. Good thing she loves us and is holding up! So, here's an OVERLOAD of pictures from mostly our iphones and some film mixed in, yay!! Enjoy this glimpse into our hectic busy but very fun lives. We're so blessed to do this and I'm typing this really fast cause we're about to get in the car again for Bozeman.....


Don't forget to complete the circle that is currently broken because of me (sorry ladies!) and see what Skye is up to!


On the way to Salt Lake City....taking pictures of nothing, and strangers.

Oh Anthropologie....I heart you.

The whole reason for going to Salt Lake City was to see The Civil Wars!!!!! I bought Jeremiah tickets for Valentines Day and we had been counting down the days!!! We love then so much and one of their songs is our First Dance!!! <3 They were so amazing live and I have such a girl crush on Joy!!!!

We went to The Great Salt Lake. It was very salty. Way more than I thought it would be. I was thinking it was just normal Ocean water. No, it was gross. The place kind of creeped me out. Just water and nothing in it. Soooo odd. These first two pictures are on film :)

Then we drove to Bozeman, shot a  wedding, I found a worm in my Sour Patch Kids and  when we finally got home my wedding shoes arrived. Those won't work.

Brinkley got his nails trimmed. Look at that pathetic face!! We miss him so much while we travel. Thank God my best friends love him so much! ;) Brinks had his first ice cream cone!! Mmm chicken flavor, his fav! Jon and Jenni came to visit US finally! We're always at their house in Bozeman, invading with our camera equip and all our weird schedules! It was so nice having them at our place (well, Jeremiah's) for a weekend and for our Engagement Bon Fire Night! We took them to Glacier, it rained, and Brinkley pouted.

I was a celebrity for a day ;) and then awesome peeps from Cali and Jackie from Missoula camped in Glacier and we all got breakfast :)  And then we hit the road again, to Seattle!!

Jeremiah 2nd shot at a wedding with Kirk Mastin, and I ordered Room Service and watched Breakfast at Tiffany's. It was lovely. :) I then ventured into the city by myself, tried on wedding dresses with my cousin Jonathan, haha! I told him this was probably the only time he'd see a girl try on dresses! We then got sushi at this awesome place that had sushi going around on a conveyer belt. Sooo yummy. Those are my dad's company's satellites on top of the building my cousin works in AND the dress shop I went to, with the Space Needle in the background.

"Yay you're home!" 

We are ENGAGED!!!!

I've typed the beginning to this post about ten times now, and deleted it. Its hard to put down words when you're taking about the things that really matter, most of all when they are so fresh in my mind. I'm engaged, the meaning of that still hasn't completely sunk in, and while part of me wants to sound all manly and totally together in this post, it couldn't be farther from the truth. I'm engaged to the love of my life.

I'm a weirdo, and kinda old school. I knew the week Rachel and I started dating that she was the "one" though what that even meant I don't know. It was a feeling that washed over me like a breeze on that dock at sunrise, like a thought that didn't start in my head, but was something alot bigger and smarter. Even though I knew, I wanted to wait, to enjoy all the parts of getting to know this fascinating person, so we waited, I waited to kiss her till our 2nd date, I waited to say "I Love You" till a couple weeks after that. I wanted to spend a christmas with my "girlfriend" and a new years. I wasn't going to be engaged before at least 1 valentines day. I waited like I always have, waited and soaked in the moments, memories, and feelings of my Love. I'm young, ignorant, and foolish, but somewhere along the way I figured out that the joy of life is in the journey. Its not something to get done, over with, finished. "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and look around once and awhile, you might miss it" :)

Every moment of mine and Rachel's time together has been a story, one I can't wait to tell our kids someday, and a month and a half ago, as I walked into a jeweler in Whitefish Montana, the reality of this story couldn't have felt more tangible. On the way there I had called my best friend, Jon, for support, and a push. He as always, proved to be that friend that few guys are blessed to have. He said a few words, enough to get me up and through that door, and though I wish he could have been there, like I had when he picked his now wife Jenni's ring, just being able to let him know was a blessing. They had to order the ring in, so the next few weeks of waiting for a email that it was in was nerve racking. Trying to keep my cool and not leave any hints for Rachel to figure it out. I kept making excuses to go into town on errands, trying to get Rachel used to me leaving on my own, and being gone. She apparently likes being around me, and that makes it kinda hard to get anything done in secret. I dropped off fake film, lied about mailing in camera's for repairs, and was a pretty dishonest person. Even going as far as to dis the ring I had bought when I saw Rachel looking at a picture of it she had taken on her phone.

I finally got the email that the ring was in, and once again called Jon on the way. He was the only person I had told at this point. We got stupid excited (Still in a manly way) and I picked up the ring. It literally felt like it was burning in my coat pocket, and I was waiting for the soonest opportunity, I had an idea of how I wanted to ask, nothing flashy, but something that meant the world to me. The next couple days where hard, until Rachel and I decided to drive to Billings to pick up Brinkley from Tracy Moore, a awesome photographer friend of ours. He was just barely old enough, and Rachel didn't want to wait another day. I saw my chance:) Our first date, I drove from Bozeman to Kalispell to go to a movie with Rachel (Cowboys and Aliens Ahem cough) and then we spent the night talking and watched Pride and Prejudice, and Singin in the Rain, then watched the sunrise at Mcdonald Lake. For more on that, and a picture, go here :)

We went to Billings, driving all the way there no stops, and picked up Brinkley, it was the first time Rachel had seen him, I had been able to a couple weeks before on a trip to Billings by myself. I felt so bad taking him from Tracy and Matt, two of the coolest people in Montana. We talked in the yard, while he played with his brothers, and ate grass. Tracy asked about our wedding/engagement plans, and I tried to play it off all cool, freaking out inside. I had a pretty good idea of how things where going to work, but alot of details had to line up. I insisted I wanted to get back home that night, it being a 8 hour drive back to Kalispell from Billings. Rachel wasn't totally onboard with the idea, but I wanted to do all the driving, so we set out again, this time with the World's Greatest Dog. We stopped in Bozeman to see Rachel's friends Kenzie and Andrea, then continued on to Missoula. I loaded up on energy drinks, both to stay awake, and for spastic courage. I told Rachel I wanted to watch the sunset at Mcdonald Lake again, and that it would be a great chance since we would be getting home right around sunrise. She reluctantly agreed, I think beginning to suspect I was up to something. We drove all night, me thinking deep hyper thoughts, and listing to "Stuff You Should Know" our favorite podcast for roadtrips. As we got closer to Glacier, I put on my iPhone music, playing our songs, just like our first date, as we drove the same road we had 9 months before. The first rays of morning began to form, and once again my mind began to hold tightly to all the sights, smells and fractured moments that I knew would one day be my best memories. We arrived at the dock, it was freezing out, and I took Brinkley out, and we played. Rachel wrapped herself in a blanket, and we walked down the dock. The sky was once again full of pinks, reds and blues, the sound on the lake clear. This time we were alone, no wildlife photographers, or anyone to disturb us. We sat down, and I told her I loved her, we hugged tightly to keep warm, Brinkley smothered between us. I pulled Rachel to her feet, I kissed her and we whispered to each other. Holding Brinkley in one arm and reaching in my pocket with the other, I knelt down on one knee, shaking like a leaf, and asked Rachel Lynn Catlett to be my wife...

All but 4 images above where taken on Fuji 400h and Kodak Portra 400 & 160 on a Mamiya 645af, and Canon AE-1

Las Vegas and WPPI {travels}

UGH, Vegas. Not quite sure how I feel about you.

Two weeks ago (sheesh, where has the time gone!) Jeremiah and I traveled to Vegas for WPPI and Showit United. It was a blast, it was exhausting, it was over stimulating, it was inspiring, and most of all it was worth it.  Meeting our "online friends" in real life was such a treat. We seriously fell more in love with them and made more connections and met more people we're happy to call our friends now!! We won full registration and passes for WPPI from VSCO...cause we love them and they love us....but we didn't even use them besides going to the trade show! Our wonderful website software/best friends Showit had their own thing going on called Showit United. We attended classes that rocked our world, met our industry leaders and the people who inspire us daily. To us it was like meeting celebrities. Jose Villa (wedding photographer GOD) was in front of us in the security line at the airport and I so badly wanted to bug him once more, but decided not to be a total creep. He recognized us as we ran into him trying to put our shoes back on and shove our laptops back in bags. He said "hello" and once again I wanted to hire him right then and there for our own Someday Wedding!

Moving on. These are mostly shots from our iphones since we didn't want to lug our big cameras around.

Jasmine Star!!!! We sat in the front row, I cried, laughed, and fell in love with her even more. She's so genuine and smart and seriously makes everyone feel so special.

Jeremy Cowart, again!! Jeremiah's hero and such an amazing man of God. His attitude and integrity speaks for itself.

Jose Villa! We met him at Richard Photo Lab booth. So sweet and charming...and amazing sense of style.

How convenient that the two photography couples we look up to the most were speakers at United!!

Troy and Aimee Grover. I love them. I'd move to SoCal to be best friends with them. Troy sat on a stack of chairs...I obviously thought it was funny cause I took a picture of it. I loved Aimee's green pants and now I'm on the hunt for some myself! I love their work and style, brand, and their adorable dog :)

Gabriel Ryan. Making nerd the new cool. He spoke about pricing and it was incredibly refreshing! We also love his work and brand and it was enlightening to get his feedback :)


Zach Gray taught us the proper way to make coffee. We've put those new skills to use since we've been back and I'm actually enjoying a reeeaaaalllllly good cup of coffee right now :) Brian Wurzel, Promise Tangeman's hubby is musical genius and hilarious. He gladly modeled Promise's camera bag for my camera. So fierce.

Prohibition Party!! Samantha and Reid were our wonderful Double Dates. They are amazing dancers and entertained us all night with their skills!

VIP, what up.

And then our new friends Elizabeth and Andy GOT MARRIED. We photographed the ceremony with our iphones. I cried. It made us realized even more we seriously love what we do when we hear someone is getting married and the first thing we think about is "We have to get there now to photograph it!"

Last day there we wandered around for awhile. I found Elvis. I feel weird taking a picture with him, but I did it for my friend Sarah Bardo, who wants to be married by Mini Elvis. 

Oh look! We went to Paris!

And now I'm all tired thinking about Vegas again. I was home for a day, long enough to do  laundry and I was off to Disneyland with my family!